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[Q3E]⋙ Descargar Cry of the Needle edition by Roger Radford Literature Fiction eBooks

Cry of the Needle edition by Roger Radford Literature Fiction eBooks

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"Best thriller this year", "Best read ever","A Must Read"

When medical malpractice leads to violent revenge, Irish-style...

Kieran Kelly's world turns upside down when his wife's health is devastated by an epidural in childbirth. Incensed by damning evidence of medical and pharmaceutical misconduct, the tormented former IRA hit man plots revenge against those he deems responsible, including a government that doesn't seem to care.

Kelly's quest brings him face-to-face with an alcoholic physician, an altruistic scientist and a corrupt government minister – but not before the love of a stunningly beautiful but crippled Countess makes him question his motives. He meets Countess Magda von Esterhazy at a meeting of a self-help group for victims of the uniquely painful iatrogenic (doctor-caused) disease that struck down his wife. Magda awakens feelings that he thought he had lost forever.

Meanwhile, one of Kelly's targets, scientist Jonathan Tring, finds himself embroiled in the Machiavellian machinations of his boss, the gruff and corrupt owner of a pharmaceutical company, and the man’s stunning young American wife. In all the mayhem, Tring, too, finds love – and desperately wants to live to enjoy it.

Cry of the Needle is a searing tale of love and vengeance. Revenge that is a dish best served Irish.

Cry of the Needle edition by Roger Radford Literature Fiction eBooks

This novel will have you flipping pages as the plot is mesmerizing. However if you are a sufferer of irreversible back pain and/or in the medical profession it is downright scary. For anyone who has ever had an epidural for childbirth, or for chronic back pain, this novel takes on a whole new meaning. I don't want to give the story away, however there is a point in the book when Kieran, the main character says to the Secretary of Health,"these poor people on disability, every three years you make them fill out paperwork to prove they are still ill, and turn people down because you can't"see" their disability, while you keep getting richer and richer all based on a lie". This is the truth personified for anyone who has ever went through the red tape of trying to procure disability benefits. I speak from experience. Great book Roger, very thought provoking. Thank you for bringing so many government issues to light.

Product details

  • File Size 593 KB
  • Print Length 295 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Roger Radford (January 17, 2014)
  • Publication Date January 17, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Cry of the Needle  edition by Roger Radford Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Cry of the Needle - Kindle edition by Roger Radford. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Cry of the Needle.,ebook,Roger Radford,Cry of the Needle,Roger Radford,Fiction Literary,Fiction Thrillers Medical
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Cry of the Needle edition by Roger Radford Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Cry of the NEEDLE, ISBN 9780951899854, Paradous Books, e-book, First Steps Publishing by Roger Radford is a thrilling but somewhat poignant novel dealing with a problem that in many ways has not disappeared.
With the end of `the troubles' Kiernan Kelly, a killer of seven men as enforcer for the IRA's Internal Affairs, has left his native Belfast to escape repercussions and moved with his wife and three children to London. His wife, for the first time in four deliveries, has been persuaded to have a spinal injection to `lessen the pain of giving birth'. As a result of an injection procedural error, she acquires adhesive arachoiditis, an extremely painful and untreatable inflammation of the covering of the spinal cord. Against all of her deep beliefs in the teaching of the church, the intractable excruciating pain causes her to take her own life. Kiernan is devastated and the story proceeds to follow his attempt in his own inimitable manner to make the uncaring medical profession, pharmaceutical industry and government officials address the entire situation surrounding the manufacture and dispensing of epidural injections.
Besides the tragically depicted Kiernan, credible descriptions are offered of a number of members of each of the three professions, as well as others with many of whom the reader readily can empathize. The plot is based on a tragic situation/condition that in some ways still exists and one that the author describes in a most knowledgeable and interestingly graphic manner. In other words, Cry of the NEEDLE is a tragic story rivetingly presented and well worth the read. Reviewed by John H. Manhold, award winning author of fiction/non-fiction.
This is a very well written book about an actual medical problem that has been pushed under the carpet for too many years. I had not heard of this particular problem and intended to research it until I read the author's comments at the end of the book. As he himself was a sufferer it was extremely graphic about what this illness does to a person. And from his own experience how the political systems around the world cover things up. It has definitely served to strengthen my dissatisfaction with the failure of politics and the influence of big money not just in medicine and pharmacy but in just about any area of life. I thought back while I was reading this book to when I had my own children and was offered a spinal anesthetic. At that time the idea of putting a needle into my spine was so horrifying that I chose to have natural childbirth and I must say I am very glad that that was my choice. I personally am a wimp when it comes to pain, but I was very fortunate in that I suffered very little pain. This is a book that should be read by anyone contemplating a procedure involving the back. Obviously much good is accomplished and is necessary, but it does give one pause to consider possibilities of something going wrong. In medical procedures informed consent is a necessity, with emphasis on the word informed. Meaning proper information so that a patient can make a valid choice.
This was my first time reading a book by Roger Radford & I thought it was good. I will most likely purchase another one of his books. It did have a couple slow parts, I'm afraid, but those parts were necessary to get the point of the book. I read some of the lower reviews & I'm assuming they didn't read the Author's Note, because it is based on a real disease & real complications!! Even though it had fictional characters, the gist of the story (disease) could actually been reality (except the ending) to some people, like the author himself. I think that stories such as this one is a good way to inform the public about certain conditions & risks. I mean let's face it, most medical journals are hard to hold your attention; most people don't understand the medical "mumbo-jumbo" that those articles contain. These people are real, the disease is real, the complications of those procedures are real, and, MOST OF ALL, THEIR PAIN IS REAL!!! I have my own different medical issues, in which, I have to deal with chronic pain on a daily basis with some days worse than others; but there ISN'T even ONE DAY that I don't have pain and that SUCKS!! It's hard for others who are pain-free to understand exactly what it's like or how it affects every aspect of your life and the limitations caused by it!! Anyway, I think there should be more books like this published, to make people informed about different things, making it much easier to read than those journals or pdf's!! Americans should feel blessed that they live in America where the medical guidelines are a little stricter!! Thank you, Roger Radford, for writing this book despite the pain you went through to write it!!
This novel will have you flipping pages as the plot is mesmerizing. However if you are a sufferer of irreversible back pain and/or in the medical profession it is downright scary. For anyone who has ever had an epidural for childbirth, or for chronic back pain, this novel takes on a whole new meaning. I don't want to give the story away, however there is a point in the book when Kieran, the main character says to the Secretary of Health,"these poor people on disability, every three years you make them fill out paperwork to prove they are still ill, and turn people down because you can't"see" their disability, while you keep getting richer and richer all based on a lie". This is the truth personified for anyone who has ever went through the red tape of trying to procure disability benefits. I speak from experience. Great book Roger, very thought provoking. Thank you for bringing so many government issues to light.
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